Pinpoint Analytics

The Data Table

• Assign higher & foundation subgrades for all tests & test series ✔
• Give grades for secure mocks & practice papers using estimated GBs ✔
• Rank the year group including higher & foundation students ✔
• Display cross-over marks ✔
• Enter your own grade boundaries ✔
• Determine student progress from one test to the next in grades ✔
• Sort and Filter any columns you wish ✔
• See who has uploaded their QLA marks for all tests ✔
• Export the table to excel ✔

Whole Class Progress Over Time

You can see every single student's time series in your class by just clicking on a student's name. Compare any students you want to and look out for those on the decline. The class mean average time series is on the graph for you to compare students with their class. This can be switched between grades and marks with one click.

Department Class Progress Over Time

A graph detailing the average grade of the class overtime in order to ascertain which classes are doing well and which need support, as well as looking out for trends such as drops for non-calc papers or certain papers. Plotting the average grade (rather than marks) also allows the comparison between higher and foundation classes and when a cross-over class takes papers from both tiers. Please Note to access this Department graph right now you need to go hit the graph button on the analytics page then copy this URL

into the URL - this will take you to the HoD area - we will make this a normal button later after getting feedback from HoDs on their department access preferences.

Progress Concerns and Most Improved Dashboard

On the data dashboard for each class we identify two students are declining the most and two that are improving the fastest. You can click on their name to see their individual graph vs the class average. We run an algorithm along every student's time series to identify these students and you can compare them to other students using our graph above showing all student's time series.

Our estimated graded boundaries

We have calculated the difficulty (distribution) of each paper using a minimum of 5000 students from pinpoint and adjusted the real grade boundaries of 2018 summer papers based on how hard each paper was. (The hardest ever 9to1 paper according to our data is … 9to1_Edexcel_Secure_Mock_1H !:)) Please note that the estimated grade boundaries and our method is definitely not perfect or exact but should provide a good estimate for you to use with your internal tracking.

You can see the grade boundaries for all individual papers quickly and you can also enter your own grade boundaries for any tests you wish!

As with all the extra features we have ever produced since the beginning this will be at no extra cost. Ok that’s all from me, as ever it would be great to hear your thoughts, ideas and feedback on our latest innovation.

Cheers, Tom Dr Tom Quilter